'Twice the Love Foundation' focuses on the social, emotional, and financial stressors of being a single parent and helping those who need assistance to get back on their feet again.
Founder, Erin Duvall, created ’Twice the Love Foundation’ for single parents, both men and women alike, after experiencing firsthand the effects of a one-parent family. When Erin moved back home in 2016, she was very fortunate to have a loving place to land; however, she knows many single parents do not find this support on their journey.
One thing that is absolute is that it takes a village; a village that welcomes you with open arms and provides encouragement and help for single parents and their children. In a one-parent household, you provide twice the love to your children and are lucky to receive twice the love as well.
"Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress, and twice
the tears, but also twice the hugs, twice the love, and twice the pride."
- Unknown

Join Us for a Night of Great Music and
Giving Back as We Introduce You to Twice the Love!
Featuring Erin Duvall and Benefitting
The Genesis Women’s Shelter

Wednesday, November 2nd
Doors open 7pm
AT&T Performing Arts Center /Annette Strauss Square
7:30pm Opening Act: Frankie Leonie
8pm Message from Genesis Women’s Shelter CEO, Jan Langbein
8:15pm Lights Down, Stars Up: Erin Duvall hits the Stage
Attire: Country Chic!

“Set the amount that you would like to donate by choosing from the participation levels below.”

1 General Admission Ticket


1 Reserved Seat


1 VIP Reserved Seat
(within the ropes)


2 General Admission Tickets


2 Reserved Seats


2 VIP Reserved Seats
(within the ropes)

Thank you for your support and being a part of this special night.
If you would like to donate an additional amount,
please click below to set your own donation amount.

“Twice the Love Foundation is currently in the process of applying for tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service to be treated as an organization described under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). If Twice the Love Foundation is granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service, a portion of your ticket purchase and any additional contributions may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.”

4 Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for Two
Listed on Digital Signage
Listed on Event Website


4 Reserved Seats
6 VIP Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for Five
Logo on Digital Signage
Logo on Event Website
Logo at Night of Event


10 Reserved Seats
10 VIP Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for 10
Logo on Digital Signage
Logo on Event Website
Logo at Night of Event


4 Reserved Seats
2 VIP Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for Three
Listed on Digital Signage
Listed on Event Website


5 Reserved Seats
10 VIP Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for Eight
Logo on Digital Signage
Logo on Event Website
Logo at Night of Event


20 VIP Reserved Seats
Complimentary Valet Parking for 10
Logo on Digital Signage
Logo on Event Website
Logo at Night of Event

Thank You to Our Wonderful Host Committee!
Beth Beakley Megan Beckner Rocky Binswanger Tricia Besing Jessica Bolander
Anne Brown Christy Brown Regina Campbell Molly Carson Katie Cox Felice Crocker
Jessica Dale Rusty & Bill Duvall Chelsea & Clay Duvall Sara Fay Egan Abby Evans
Janet Evans Anne Evans Emily Evans Amy Fasano Jennifer Gleaton Louise Griffeth
Annie Griffeth Emily Haddock Blair Heartfield Amy Henry Ann Henson Sarah Klein
Lane Kulovitz Sharon Lee Bonnie Mastin Lesley McCaslin Laura McElroy Dian Moore
Shannon Pettle John Poston Paige Prestidge Amy Prestidge Ransdell Prieur
Jessica Pulliam Merritt Quigley Ashley & Paul Rasmussen Debbie Raynor Jessica Rugg
Julie Seale Peggy Sewell Josie Sewell Shay Sides Joan Stockton Elaine Stroube
Kate Swail Molly & Chris Thomas Kacy Tolleson Traci White Jacquelin Woldert