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The Nash News: Erin Duvall "Girls Weekend" Song Review

Erin Duvall is back with a brand-new single. "Girls Weekend" embraces female empowerment, and friendship, which is always welcomed in this genre. Fans will surely love it as much as Duvall does.

It's refreshing to see Duvall's confidence shine through in her music. Her recent singles "Walking Country Song" and "Too Little, Too Late," come from a place of honesty; no one can call the singer inauthentic. When talking about her new song Duvall shared in a press release, "The power of girl friendships is one of the strongest forces in the world. It is a source of energy and love, and there is nothing we can’t do together. Some people call their girlfriends their tribe; some people call them their ride or die; I simply call them my family."

"A girl's weekend can look a little bit different for every group of friends, but the true core of what a girl's weekend represents will be felt by everyone. Girls' weekends are good for the soul," said Duvall via press release. The singer-songwriter went on to share that maturity adds a newfound perspective on how important female friendships can be. "No matter how time tick ticks by / We reconnect in the blink of an eye / We’re loyal, resilient and sexy and fearless / So blessed with all my boss babes / Come on ladies, it’s sip sip hooray." There's no time like the present to listen to this feel-good song.

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